You are viewing documentation for Falco version: v0.37.1

Falco v0.37.1 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Add prebuilt drivers for a kernel release

Tutorial for adding new prebuilt drivers for specific kernel releases


  • Ensure the Linux distribution that distributes the Linux kernel version is supported by driverkit.
  • Ensure the driver is not already available for the specific Linux kernel version, by checking it at

Generate the configuration

You can generate and contribute configurations for your OS, as follows.

Let's start by forking the test-infra repository.

For example, using the GitHub CLI in your terminal:

gh repo fork falcosecurity/test-infra

From the directory of the local repository directory, create a dedicated Git branch:

cd test-infra
git checkout -b new/driver-build-config

and run:

make -C driverkit generate \
  -e TARGET_DISTRO=<linux distro> \
  -e TARGET_KERNEL_RELEASE=<release name> \
  -e TARGET_KERNEL_VERSION=<build version>

filling it with:

  • TARGET_DISTRO: the Linux distribution of the target host.
  • TARGET_KERNEL_RELEASE: the Linux kernel release name of the target host. You can fill it with the output of the command "$(uname -r)", running it on a shell on the target host.
  • TARGET_KERNEL_VERSION: the Linux kernel build version of the target host. You can fill it with output of the command: "$(uname -v | sed 's/#\([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\1/')", running it on a shell on the target host.

Here is an example to use for the Arch Linux distribution with the kernel: 6.3.4-arch1-1:

make -C driverkit generate -e TARGET_DISTRO=arch -e TARGET_KERNEL_RELEASE=6.3.4-arch1-1 -e TARGET_KERNEL_VERSION=1

Available values for $TARGET_DISTRO can be found here.

Advanced settings

Besides $TARGET_DISTRO, $TARGET_KERNEL_RELEASE and TARGET_KERNEL_VERSION, you can find all the supported filters here, that help you to target specific kernel releases.


You can find examples of configurations in the repository at the paths structured as follows:


This is a configuration for the Arch Linux kernel specified above, release 6.3.0-4-generic, which would be located at driverkit/config/5.0.1+driver/x86_64/arch_6.3.4-arch1-1_1.yaml:

kernelversion: 1
kernelrelease: 6.3.4-arch1-1
target: arch
architecture: amd64
  module: output/5.0.1+driver/x86_64/falco_arch_6.3.4-arch1-1_1.ko
  probe: output/5.0.1+driver/x86_64/falco_arch_6.3.4-arch1-1_1.o

Find here more examples for your configuration. Please refer to the Driverkit documentation for the configuration reference.

Validate the configuration

You can validate the generated configuration using the validate sub-command:

make -C driverkit validate \
  -e TARGET_DISTRO=arch \
  -e TARGET_KERNEL_RELEASE=6.3.4-arch1-1 \

You can filter the configurations you want to validate using the same filters supported the generate Make target supports.

Propose the configuration

Now you're ready to propose the configuration, by sending a pull request to the test-infra upstream repository, with the changes:

git add driverkit/config
git commit --signoff --message 'new(driverkit/config): add build config for 6.3.4-arch1-1_1'
git push origin new/driver-build-config

and open a pull request on the upstream repository:

gh pr create --fill --repo falcosecurity/test-infra

When accepted, the configurations will be then consumed by Driverkit in the CI pipeline, through the Driverkit Build Grid.

More on the Driverkit configuration

Specify the kernel headers location

The location from where Driverkit will download the specified kernel release headers will depend on the specific Linux distribution.

Nevertheless, you can specify a different URL of the kernel headers package in the Driverkit configuration, with the kernelurls field. For example:

kernelversion: 4
kernelrelease: 6.3.0-4-generic
target: ubuntu-generic
architecture: amd64
  module: output/5.0.1+driver/x86_64/falco_ubuntu-generic_6.3.0-4-generic_4.ko
  probe: output/5.0.1+driver/x86_64/falco_ubuntu-generic_6.3.0-4-generic_4.o
kernelurls: ["","","",""]

You can read more about this in the Driverkit documentation.

Add support for a new Linux distribution

To introduce support for a new distribution, the logic to retrieve the kernel headers needs to be implemented.

Driverkit already provides plumbing to ease the development. This guide will help you to develop a new Driverkit builder target.

More on the Driverkit Build Grid

Driverkit Build Grid configurations are weekly fed by a kernel crawler, and kept only for the last result, as the crawler represents the unique source of truth. Therefore, added configurations will be dropped on Driverkit Build Grid updates but the driver artifacts will be still available at the repository

You can find more info about the Driverkit Build Grid toolkit here.